Join Us to Worship Our Lord on Sunday Mornings at 10:00 am In Person or via YouTube Livestream

For Virtual Weekday Meetings, Go to This LINK for our Google Meet Room

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Virtual Meeting Information

Live Virtual Meeting Access Information

Here’s how to join:

On Computer
Make sure you have a standard browser like Google, Chrome, Safari, etc.
Please make sure your mic and speakers are on.
Simply click on this link (or paste it in your browser and hit “enter”).

On Smart Phone or Tablet
Make sure you download the app for “Google Meet” from your app store.
Then go to the same link

On Landline or Flip/Cell Phone
Sadly, with this option, you won’t be able to see video or use the (typed) chat feature. You will be able to hear and be heard (if your phone is unmuted).
DIAL: 1 432-693-9080
ENTER PIN: 754 147 956#

New or Having Problems?
For those unfamiliar with this, consider logging on a bit early to allow you time to get acclimated to the set-up. We will try to be there to help. Contact us at the following email address if you need help: