Serving internationally through the ministries listed below allows us to share the love of Christ to a lost and hurting world in a variety of ways. Feel free to contact us to learn more about how you can come alongside these ministries.
Gospel Haiti
Arun and Marie-Anne Pereira and their family lived and served in Oriani for several years to get a school and other ministries started and to share the love of Jesus Christ to the people of Haiti. They have since returned to Maryland to live and serve in the Hagerstown community while continuing to lead Gospel Haiti. We have supported them individually and corporately with donations and short-term mission trips. Click on the link to learn more. The Pereiras were part of our fellowship for years before they started GH.
Global Gates
Former LHCC members Marshall and Tammy serve GG in the Northern Virginia area (where they have moved). We continue to corporately support them with donations and to receive updates from them about their work and how our members can help on short-term missions with reaching the ends of the earth through global gateway cities. Marshall and Tammy and their family were a part of our fellowship for years and our members have attended their summer training to go on mission "at home."
Christ Family
Mike and Becky Christ and their five children moved to Zambia in early 2020 where Mike served as a professor at Central Africa Baptist College and Seminary. (Last year they moved to Kenya, where they now reside and Mike is teaching from there.) You can support them by faithfully praying for them and their work. Financial support would bless them as well. Updates are sent out on our church mailing list. Mike has been a regular guest speaker here at LHCC. You can find his sermons in our message archives.
Wycliffe Bible Translators
We have former members serving overseas with this ministry. If you'd like to support Bible translation work, please consider donating to Wycliffe.
The Voice of the Martyrs
We use the VOM App to pray monthly for our persecuted brothers and sisters throughout the world in other countries.