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The Local Community

Dorcas Ministry
Dorcas is a ministry of ESC (our host church) and LHCC. The clothing closet is open twice a month and also holds special events, such as a yard sale and health fair. ESC runs the closet on the second Saturday and LHCC runs it on the fourth Sunday.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
FCA is a ministry with a vision to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. With a mission to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church. We support Luke Staley, a member of our church, who works in full-time ministry with FCA.

Provides Christ-centered support for those experiencing crisis pregnancies. LHCC supports them with prayer, financially, and sometimes volunteers.

Frederick Rescue Mission
Shares the Word of Life with the lost, the hungry, and the homeless in Frederick. LHCC supports them with prayer, financially, and sometimes volulnteers.