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Elections and Exiles

November 1, 2020 Speaker: Albert Turner

Passage: 1 Peter 2:9–11

Read 1 Peter 2:9-11. Use the below questions for personal reflection and group discussion.

1. Holy Exiles

Peter called believers “sojourners and exiles” and a “holy nation.” What did he mean by this? Where do you feel like a “sojourner” or “exile” in this world because of your faith in Jesus? Where do you sense your need for God’s grace to help you live this way in the world?

2. A Mercy Filled Future

What tempts you to fear as you look at this election and beyond? Once you did not belong to God. Once you did not have His mercy. Christ has changed all of that. How does the fact that you belong to God and that – because Jesus took all the judgment you deserve – you will receive only His mercy, speak to your fears?

3. Called to Proclaim

In this time before the “day of God's visitation” when God will judge the world, Peter’s call to us is to “proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” Spend some time in prayer asking God to open your eyes to see opportunities He brings you to proclaim the grace, beauty, and goodness of His Son to those around you.