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The New Covenant in My Blood

March 27, 2022 Speaker: Albert Turner

Passage: Luke 22:20

The following questions are for use in DRs or private devotions.

  1. The Old Covenant of God’s law, e.g., the Ten Commandments, was given to God’s people after Israel was freed from slavery.

    Upon willingly accepting the covenant in Deuteronomy 24, and promising to obey all God had commanded, the people were sprinkled with the blood of slaughtered animals. What might the blood signify?


  1. Read Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Ezekiel 36:24-27. What was the crucial problem that led to the failure of the Old Covenant and the terrible curse of destruction for God’s people?

    What does God promise to do for His people through the New Covenant and how is this different?


  1. Jesus promises in Luke 22:20 that He has given us the New Covenant “in His blood.”

    Why must His blood be the foundation of the New Covenant? How does His blood both protect God’s integrity as a just God and ensure the New Covenant will not fail?


  1. God has inaugurated the New Covenant with His people through Jesus. He has made them new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17). He has sent His Holy Spirit to live in our hearts forever to give us the power to obey Him (Romams 8:1-17).

    For all who will repent of their sins and flee to Christ in faith for forgiveness, this New Covenant is as sure as the value of His blood.

    Take a moment to reflect on reality of the indwelling Spirit and the new heart given to you. How do you see this New Covenant at work in your life?

    Where do you most crucially sense a need for the New Covenant realities to be actualized in your life right now?


  1. Spend some time thanking God for Jesus’ life poured out for you and the blessing of the New Covenant. Ask Him to make the realities of the New Covenant ever more a part of your daily experience.