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Psalm 136

March 20, 2022 Speaker: Jordan Thomas

Passage: Psalm 136:1–26

The following questions are for your use in private devotions or group studies.

Read through Psalm 136

  1. What does the psalmist repeat over and over and why do you believe he repeats it as often as he does?
  2. How needy are you to hear the truth in this psalm and do you find it difficult to hold on to this truth?
  3. What difference does/ would it make to you right now to believe this truth?
  4. Implicit in the psalm is much trial and struggle for God’s people. Where do you see this expressed in the psalm and how would you explain this reality (and the reality of suffering in general) in light of the main proclamation of the psalm?
  5. Pray! Spend some time recounting the deeds of the Lord in your life and thanking Him. They can include basic provisions (like food and water and air and sun) and ways that He has been faithful to you uniquely. Most importantly, don't forget to consider the eternal ways He’s blessed you in His Son and through his Holy Spirit.