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Drifting, Deconstruction, and A Great Salvation

August 15, 2021 Speaker: Albert Turner

Below are some thoughts and questions for personal reflection or group discussion. Read Hebrews 2:1-4.

1. The author of Hebrews warns us against drifting away from Christ through neglect.

Can you think of a time when you – or someone you have been close to – were drifting away from Jesus? If yes, can you recall ways Jesus was neglected? Think of categories like time with Jesus, attention to His Word, clear disobedience, or lack of fellowship with His people.

Now consider a season where you felt particular nearness to Jesus, i.e., you were treasuring Him deeply or you had great joy in Him. If you have experienced such a season, think again of the above categories and whether you were devoting yourself to them… time with Jesus, attention to His Word, clear obedience, or fellowship with His people.

What can you learn from these contrasting experiences for how to best walk in faith today? How are you taking care to pay close attention and not neglect “so great a salvation”?

2. If you’ve been affected by the spate of “deconstruction” of former professing believers in the news or perhaps in your own relationships (people who once claimed to be Christians but have now disavowed Christ and the Bible), try to take some time to explain how that has affected you.

Jesus said, “If anyone is willing to do God's will, he will know whether this teaching is from God or whether I am speaking on my own authority” (John 7:17). And yet Jesus also calls us to be “merciful to those who doubt” (Jude 22). Do you know someone (or are you someone) who loves and knows Jesus well enough to help doubters by listening to their doubts and yet respond with mercy?

How do you think we can walk the tension between allowing healthy doubts to be honestly struggled with and yet be careful to exhort each other to resist neglecting Christ and drifting away?