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To Whom Shall We Go?

May 23, 2021 Speaker: Albert Turner Series: Malachi

Passage: John 6:26–71

Below are some thoughts and questions for personal reflection or group discussion. Read John 6:26-71.
Jesus makes a claim that is very difficult for the listeners in John 6:52-58. A well-known principle of Biblical interpretation is to try to explain what is unclear by what is clear. Using this principle, can you see and explain from the wider passage what Jesus means by eating His flesh and drinking His blood? (See for example, 6:35-40.) What verses help you gain clarity and why?
Many of Jesus’ disciples stopped following Him when He made this claim to be the source of eternal life through His flesh and His blood. At the time Peter probably did not know how to explain Jesus’ teaching, but in his heart he knew Jesus (verses 67-70). Has there been a time when something very difficult in God’s word or in your circumstances brought a great trial to your faith? Can you describe it and explain how God did or didn’t resolve your heart struggle?
In this passage, Jesus is alluding to His body and His blood being given for our sins. Feeding on His life includes the presence and power of the Holy Spirit living in us at all times as well as His words given which are Spirit and Life. Can you recall how you have fed on Jesus in this way recently? How has His Word and His promises nourished and given life to your soul?