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He is Worth it: Intro to Malachi

January 24, 2021 Speaker: Albert Turner Series: Malachi

Below are some questions for personal reflection or group discussion.

  1. How would you describe the glory of God? And what does it mean to “see” God’s glory?
  2. Read Isaiah 6:1-8. How would you describe Isaiah’s initial reaction to God’s glory? How did it affect him internally and what does that tell us about what aspect of God’s glory he saw? What was his final heart posture and what does that tell you of what he came to "see" about God?
  3. Read Luke 7:36-50. Who would you say did and did not “see” God’s glory in this story? What does the woman’s reaction tell you about what she saw of God in Christ? How about Simon?
  4. Judging from the heart reactions in the stories above (even if your own circumstances are very different), can you recall a time recently or in the past when you would say you “saw” some aspect of God’s glory in a powerful way?
  5. How do you think you are doing lately to position yourself to behold God’s glory? If you are not doing well at this, what steps can you take?
  6. Pray. Ask God to show you more of His worth; to make His glory so clear to you that you can treasure Him as you should.