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The Love of God and the Glory of God

January 17, 2021 Speaker: Albert Turner

Passage: John 11:1–45

Below are questions for personal reflection or group discussion. Read John 11:1-45.

  1. How would you explain why Jesus was glad that He was not there to keep Lazarus from dying? (See v. 15.)
  2. How do you explain how Jesus seeking to glorify Himself through this miracle is not at odds with His love for Martha and Mary, but rather an expression of it? (Consider especially v. 4-6, 18-27.)
  3. Consider the hard times and trials you go through in light of this passage. What do you think is God’s ultimate goal for you in your trials? What does this say about your ultimate need in life? (For additional help consider how Jesus defines “eternal life” in John 17:1-3.)
  4. Spend time asking God to help your heart long to see His glory, and through seeing His value and worth – to treasure Him above all things more deeply than ever before, and to proclaim what a treasure He is with your life.