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Recovering from Blindness in 2021

January 3, 2021 Speaker: Albert Turner

Passage: John 8:1– 9:41

In this message we were asked to reflect on the truth that God’s plan in redemption is to cure our horrible spiritual blindness to His glory; blindness that is the result of our sinful hearts which value created things as greater than God (Romans 1:21-25). Thus, through Jesus, God is seeking to restore our spiritual sight so that He may be treasured as he should be and so that we might rejoice and praise Him for His grace forever.

This is expressed in many ways in Scripture; for example in John 1, we’re told that Jesus came as the light of the world who “gives light to every man” and that “no one has ever seen God, but God the only Son, has made Him known” and in John 17, the Lord prays that the end of His work would result in our seeing His glory… “the glory I had with You before the world began.”

Finally, Ephesians 1:4-6 tells us that before the world was made, “in love” God choose us to be His children so that we would “praise the glory of God's grace.” In light of all of the above, here are some questions to consider.

1. Seeing God’s glory as the Goal of Redemption (Ephesians 1:4-6)

Consider these words from the passage: “…he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.”

  • Why is God’s glory in our lives, His being treasured, valued, loved, and trusted, above all things, the only way for our lives to end up holy and blameless?
  • Why is God’s glory in our lives, His being treasured, valued, loved, and trusted above all things, by His grace, the most loving goal He could have for us?

2. What It’s Like to See

  • Can you describe an example when you sensed that God’s glory in your life - that is, His being seen, honored, cherished the way He should be, was also a tremendously satisfying and joy-filled experience for your soul?

3. How To See Better

Consider at least one of these three areas: 1) The state of your prayer life; 2) The way you use your time; and 3) Your most important relationships.

  • Ask the Lord to help you see how any one of these areas can be more reflective of the honor and treasure and infinite value that He has?
  • Close in prayer – asking that the Lord’s Name would be hallowed in your life above all other things. He loves you and has compassion and kindness upon you, so much that He wants to do this very thing!