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The Resurrection Body: Fundamental Questions

November 8, 2020 Speaker: Albert Turner Series: 1 Corinthians

Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:35–49

Read 1 Corinthians 15:35-49. Use the below questions and thoughts for personal reflection and group discussion.

1. The Seed Analogy

Paul is dealing with an argument that says, “how can a decomposed decayed body come back to life? It had turned to dust!”

How would you describe his answer to this argument in verses 36-38?

2. Form and Function

In verses 39-44, Paul seems to explain that all creatures and created things have “forms” (e.g., flesh, bodies, glory) that correspond to their distinctive purpose. For example, fish have gills on their body, bears have claws, and the sun radiates with great light and heat, all according to the kind of “life” or function for which they are made.

Look at Paul’s description in verses 42-44 of the kind of “form” our resurrection bodies will have. What does this tell you about the kind of future God has in store for His people?

3. Spiritual vs. Natural

In verses 44-49, Paul explains that our future bodies will be “spiritual” instead of “natural.” This does not mean they will not be physical, but that they will not conform to the ways of “the earth” (e.g., below, dust) and instead conform to the ways of “heaven” where God’s rule is unopposed.

Our resurrection bodies will perfectly conform to godly desires and be suited for the greatest experience of God possible. For example, there will be no more addictions to alcohol or battles with lust or greed or sloth or gluttony. There will no possibility of sinful urges to act out in our physical bodies, for our bodies themselves will not be able to experience and live out anything other than godly desires. Rather than being like Adam – who rebelled and lived life as a sinful man – we will be like Christ, who perfectly knows, and trusts, and delights in His Father in every way.

In what ways do you most look forward to experiencing life as a resurrected child of God?

4. Pray

Are there any ways in which you struggle to understand or believe this incredible truth of the resurrection of our bodies? Bring that to God now. Spend some time asking Him to help you see and believe the truth in these passages. Ask Him to open the eyes of those around you who are lost without Christ. Ask Him for opportunities to be used to testify to His grace.

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