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Why Should I Hope in the Second Coming of Christ?

October 25, 2020 Speaker: Albert Turner Series: 1 Corinthians

Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:22–23

Read 1 Corinthians 15:22-23. The questions below are for your edification in personal devotions or group discussions.

1. Waiting in Hope

Read 1 John 3:2-3. What did John say was the (immediate) byproduct of a confident hope in the return of Christ (“when He appears”) and the believers’ full transformation into His image? How do you think this purification happens?

What are some of your challenges in focusing on or having confidence in this future return?

2. God’s Sovereignty Over History

For centuries before Christ, God foretold his coming. The city of his birth was foretold (Micah 5:2), the timing of his arrival was foretold (Daniel 9:24-27), the manner and meaning of his death were foretold (Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22), and much, much more. In fact, through prophet after prophet, God told Israel in great detail much of world history that affected them before it took place. He did this so that they (and we) would know that He is in control of all things (Isaiah 46:9-10).

Jesus, as God the Son, continued this foretelling. He said in Matthew 24 “the end” of this current phase of human history would be completed only when His gospel has gone throughout the whole earth (Matthew 24:14). He predicted Jerusalem’s destruction in 70 AD and her conquest by Gentiles until “the times of the Gentiles are complete” (Luke 21:24). The Apostle Paul picks up this theme in Romans 9-11, stating that God is working in Israel’s rejection of Christ so that the Gentiles might be brought into God’s salvation until “the fulness of the Gentiles has come in” (Romans 11:25).

We don’t know the exact timing of the end of these purposes of God (Act 1:7) but we know God’s purposes continue so that both Jews and Gentiles can together receive God’s salvation in Christ (Romans 11:11-15; 25-32).

Do you recognize God’s control over human history? What helps you to recognize it, or what do you think makes it difficult?

3. God’s Faithful Heart

In John 14:1-7, Jesus promised He will return for us and told of His role as the only way to the Father. In the Lord’s supper (1 Corinthians 11:23-26), God instructs us to proclaim the death of Jesus “until He comes.”

How does Jesus' death guarantee His return for us? What would it say about Jesus if He did not return for us?

4. Pray

Ask God to help you hope in His return, ask Him to help you believe in His control over history, and ask Him to help you to trust in His faithful heart that guarantees His return.

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