1. Our Need: Read v. 1-13
Discuss this statement: David says to the Lord "Against You and You only have I sinned" (Ps 51:4). The sin underneath the sin is David's rebellion against God. Why is this even more serious than the sins "only against" Uriah and Bathsheba?
How does unaddressed sin hinder our communion with God and our commitment to one another? What are some ways God's hand may be heavy upon us if we hide our sin (Psalm 32:4)?
2. God's Mercy: Read v. 7-13 again
- What do David's prayers say about God's power over our sins?
- What can God do for David (and us) despite great moral failures?
- What will be the result?
- Spend some time asking God to reveal anything in your life He would have you confess to Him. (Trav gave us categories like envy, selfishness, harsh words, gossip, and grumbling.)
- "There is more mercy in Christ than there is sin in us." Believe that God will do for you what He promises through Christ to do for you: Forgive you and cleanse you, just as He did David (1 John 1:9-2:1).
- Consider someone in your life who needs to see their sin and come to God through Jesus Christ for forgiveness and cleansing. Pray for that person now.