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Sermons from 2016

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December 18, 2016

What Is That To You? You Follow Me!

Speaker: Albert Turner Series: John: Believe and Live Passage: John 21:18–23

December 11, 2016

Do You Love Me?

Speaker: Albert Turner Series: John: Believe and Live Passage: John 21:15–22

December 4, 2016

The Power of An Indestructible Life

Speaker: Albert Turner Series: John: Believe and Live Passage: John 21:1–14

November 27, 2016

Ultimate Truth, Ultimate Consequences

Passage: Matthew 25:31–46

November 20, 2016

These Have Been Written That You May Believe

Speaker: Albert Turner Series: John: Believe and Live Passage: John 20:24–31

November 13, 2016

Election '16: No Lasting City

Speaker: Albert Turner Passage: Hebrews 13:14

November 6, 2016

The Persecuted Church

October 30, 2016

The Peace of the Risen Christ

Speaker: Albert Turner Series: John: Believe and Live Passage: John 20:19–23

October 23, 2016

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Speaker: Albert Turner Series: John: Believe and Live Passage: John 20:1–18

October 16, 2016

The Glory of Christ's Crucifixion

Series: John: Believe and Live Passage: John 19:16–37

September 25, 2016

The Trials of Jesus Christ and Pontius Pilate

Speaker: Albert Turner Series: John: Believe and Live Passage: John 18:28– 19:16

September 18, 2016

God's Glorious Control and Care

Series: John: Believe and Live Passage: John 18:1–27

September 11, 2016

What's In A Name

Speaker: Albert Turner Passage: 1 Peter 1:3–5

September 4, 2016


Speaker: Albert Turner Series: John: Believe and Live Passage: John 17

August 28, 2016

The Prayer of Jesus

Speaker: Albert Turner Series: John: Believe and Live Passage: John 17

August 21, 2016

Fear Not

Passage: Isaiah 43:1– 40:7

August 14, 2016

Finding Comfort in an Uncomfortable World

Passage: Isaiah 40:1–13

August 7, 2016

No More Tears

Passage: Revelation 21:1–5

July 24, 2016

The Glory of the Father Through the Son

Speaker: Albert Turner Series: John: Believe and Live Passage: John 17:1–5

July 17, 2016

In Jesus Name, Amen

Series: John: Believe and Live Passage: John 16:16–33

July 3, 2016

The Holy Spirit of Truth

Speaker: Albert Turner Series: John: Believe and Live Passage: John 16

June 26, 2016

3 Questions We Must Ask

Passage: Genesis 2, Matthew 19

June 19, 2016

Hated But Helped

Series: John: Believe and Live Passage: John 15:18– 16:4

June 12, 2016

Lessons From the Vine

Speaker: Albert Turner Series: John: Believe and Live Passage: John 15

June 5, 2016

This Is My Commandment: Love One Another

Speaker: Albert Turner Series: John: Believe and Live Passage: John 15:12–17